Coming to the wedding near you
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
From my previous post 79% (the last I saw it) voted for me to be a wedding singer.
Oh my goodness! This is absurd!
Reality check: The majority of the time I "practice" singing is in the shower. The only proper breathing exercise I do is when I choke on some food that's stuck down my throat!
On the other hand, I'm seriously considering starting a burger business. Start small due to limited resources then grow to franchise it, that's if if P&G turns me down. Haven't really applied to many companies yet, just targeting those that appeals to me now.
Oh, speaking of P&G it ain't that easy to get a job there. It seems I have to sit for some maths and english test then endure a whole day assessment/interview, that's if I pass the paper test first. They did send me a practice test to get use to the format of the paper test. It's not that hard, could answer all the maths question correctly just the comprehension part that got me a little thinking. Want to try it? Perhaps the only thing that's making it hard is time constraint! You've got about a minute to answer each question. Just have to make sure my mind doesn't fall asleep EARLY Saturday morning. Pray for me! :D
Thought of the day: I've been meeting up with my friends and asking them about their working life, It seems those who spent some time relaxing and taking time off after graduating (at least 3 months or more) tend to get a higher paying job and higher job satisfaction compared to those who rush off to work the moment after graduating. Hmm... I wonder...
posted by sam @ 9:46 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
Initially this blog was birthed out of curiosity, on what it would be like to have a blog. To explore the world of entrepreneurship, business, marketing, etc and to jot down my learnings/experience here. As time passes on, the purpose change, the passion change, the person change.