Everyone could use a little motivation
Monday, October 30, 2006

posted by sam @ 7:25 PM,
Marketing strategies 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Been reading, studying market trends, doing customers analysis, and those other start-a-business stuffs. Learned a couple of things which I think were pretty interesting. Among them:
- People buy categories, not brands.
- Advertising is dead. PR is the new way to build a stronger brand. (at least for launching a brand)
- A business plan is an excellent way to find out if your ideas are viable.
- Giving too many choices is a bad thing.
- Bad ideas never die.
- Addition is the glamorous side of marketing, subtraction is the moneymaking side.
- Simplicity beats complexity all the time.
- Keeping customers happy is not enough.
- Traditional marketing is not enough.
posted by sam @ 2:18 AM,
Once I had a camera
Once upon a time, not too long ago I had a camera. Back in those days it was the greatest digital camera available to man, now a relic. Of course with the availability of a digital it meant only one thing, endless picture taking! Lots of it, any picture! Behold, a fraction of those that I call priceless pictures (It'll just cost one life...mine :P):

posted by sam @ 1:49 AM,
Step 1: The Mission
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The first thing that a business requires is of course a mission statement. As mentioned before I want the business that I'm working on to be people focused. Which is why unconventionally I'm looking at it from the marketing point of view, starts people and ends with people. I've also decided to add a sub-mission statement which I think most businesses in Malaysia is lacking, that is a social mission.
In me opinion, a business is perhaps the most powerful force in soceity. With that in mind, the business has a responsibility for the welfare of soceity as a whole.
Let's start with the people then, help me out with a couple of things below:
example: If you knew Burger King gives a partial of its profit to build schools in rural areas, would you switch from McDonalds to Burger King or at least eat more at Burger King?
posted by sam @ 8:45 PM,
Leaving Legacy
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Rememeber the site that I mentioned earlier, the one that's inspired by a funeral? It's done! Wanted to do a lot more with it but skills and resources were limited so I did it with blogspot. It's been up testing a couple of days and I've been getting some pretty potitive feedback. So now with great pride let me introduce you to:
A snippet from the site:
It’s hard when you lose someone. It’s even harder when it is a loved one. We reminisce of the times spent together. We remember the footprint that was left by them on our lives. An inspiration, a hope, a dream, memories.
This site aids to remind us of the lasting testimony that we would want to leave behind.
How is it done then? Be creating something like what you see below to remind you daily of the things you are striving for.

I'm hoping one day, I'll be able to have a .com site and allow a program to auto create one just like the above. One day...one day. As for now, I've decided to reduce the time I spend on the computer online and use the time for writing the business plan. It would be a nobel idea if I were able to create a business based on interactivity of visitors to this site and get certain feedback on what the business should be like. It'll be like every person that visits here would be "partners" in creating this business. haha. Just an idea.

It’s hard when you lose someone. It’s even harder when it is a loved one. We reminisce of the times spent together. We remember the footprint that was left by them on our lives. An inspiration, a hope, a dream, memories.
This site aids to remind us of the lasting testimony that we would want to leave behind.
How is it done then? Be creating something like what you see below to remind you daily of the things you are striving for.

I'm hoping one day, I'll be able to have a .com site and allow a program to auto create one just like the above. One day...one day. As for now, I've decided to reduce the time I spend on the computer online and use the time for writing the business plan. It would be a nobel idea if I were able to create a business based on interactivity of visitors to this site and get certain feedback on what the business should be like. It'll be like every person that visits here would be "partners" in creating this business. haha. Just an idea.
posted by sam @ 8:44 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
Initially this blog was birthed out of curiosity, on what it would be like to have a blog. To explore the world of entrepreneurship, business, marketing, etc and to jot down my learnings/experience here. As time passes on, the purpose change, the passion change, the person change.