How to have a great day
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I got off from the wrong side of the bed. I am just having a bad day. I think the weather is affecting my personality today. Etc.
This past few weeks I have been waking up in time just for lunch~ knowing well ahead that I could have gotten a lot things done if I had woken up a couple of hours earlier. But even if I did I would not get enough sleep if I had only slept 3-4 hours. Another reason to wake up early: it is always nice to wake up to the cool weather in the early morning than the hot blazing afternoon sun.
- DECIDE to have a GREAT day!
It is all up to you (Of course God has a hand in it). Even that you have been given freewill to choose. You have the choice to assign any meaning you wish to any event that occurs in your life. You have the choice to decide the reactions you make to the circumstances in your life. It is ultimately your choice.
- Be thankful for what you have.
I am thankful that I've got a roof over my head, food to eat when I am hungry, and warm clothes to wear. I am grateful for wonderful friends (though some can be “cruel” at times, but still great friends. Haha). Grateful that I can read and write! Grateful for hands and legs to jump around and be playful!
Gratitude will always help us remember that there are more important things out there than money. It will make you feel “rich” in a non monetary sense, which in turn will add to your true happiness.
- Plan your day out.
Making a list of what you want to accomplish throughout the day really helps in getting the clutters of your life all straightened up. I've done it, now the hard part is keeping to it.
- Visualize how you want the day to go.
I have always been a person who visualizes situations, events, people's response, etc. I have to see myself doing the things which I am about to do before actually doing it. It helps in getting rid of nervousness and gaining self-confidence.
- Read something inspirational.
It is like a mental boost for your mind and soul.
- Blast that music.
Oh yeah. Those feel good music that makes you want to sing a long, dance and shout!
- Exercise.
I have discovered that ever since I stopped exercising for some time I find myself getting tired very easily. It is easy to say that you need to exercise, but actually doing it…argh! Another reason to exercise: it produces endorphins, lots of it or as I call it the feel good natural drug.
- Sing in the shower.
I found out that the good thing about singing in the shower is that no one can complain about it. Another plus point is that you sound a lot nicer when you are singing in the shower.
- Put on your best clothes.
Ever had that experience that when you wear certain clothes it makes you feel more elegant or perhaps more manly or womanly. It is said clothes make the man. To a certain extend I find that true. There is no denying that when you look good, you feel good and people feel good around you.
- Eat a hearty breakfast
They said the most important meal of the day is breakfast. I can't blame them, after 6-8 hours of not eating (because you are sleeping!) you are bound to work up and appetite. Also a good healthy breakfast gets you on the move in the morning when you're most productive. I am never a breakfast person. The only breakfast I get is the most a cup of milk or juice.
- Don not turn on the TV
What? why? That's because everytime you start watching TV, 30mins, 45mins, an hour, 3 hours ... and so on flies by without you knowing it. It totally disrupts your flow. Another point that must be noted is that the TV as informative as it may be is full of negativity. That's where you learn of the bad news happening around the world, the greed and jealousy from soap dramas, the anger and vengeance from most cartoons etc. You see where I'm getting at?
- Greet everyone you see with a big smile.
Smile and the world smiles with you. It's true, when you smile the other person can't help it but smile back, it's human. You learn it as an infant. At the same time when you see the other person smile it makes you feel good as well. So don't be shy in giving your smiles away. It's free anyway.
- Go above and beyond the call of duty.
As many has tested, the best feeling in the world is when you help someone to feel good. So do more than necessary. Go the extra mile. Offer to help. Offer to take on more responsibilities. Take pride in the work you do.
That's it. I am sure it does not take much to make a great day. As long as you start it off right, the rest would follow pretty easily. When you feel great, and you make others feel great, your day will just be plain great.
I'll be trying to make everyday a great day, who's with me?
posted by sam @ 12:49 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
Initially this blog was birthed out of curiosity, on what it would be like to have a blog. To explore the world of entrepreneurship, business, marketing, etc and to jot down my learnings/experience here. As time passes on, the purpose change, the passion change, the person change.